Equine Dental Technicians in Powys

Equine dental technicians (EDTs) in Powys and surrounding areas. If you are an equine dental technician in Powys and would like a free or premium listing, please click here for information.

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Equine Dental Technicians in Powys - Premium Listings

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Premium Listings provide you with a paragraph of text in this space to promote your services to a target audience of local horse owners. This is an excellent way for you to advertise to people looking specifically Equine Dental Technicians in Powys. Premium Listings cost only £100 + VAT for 12 months and you can update the listing as often as you like throughout the year at no extra charge. Click the Web link above for details.


Equine Dental Technicians in Powys - Free Listings

Cain Equine


Kaye Gilby

Tel: 07500 517128

Email: cainequinedentistry@gmail.com


Claire MacCormack

North Wales

86 Love Lane, Denbigh, LL16 3LU

Tel: 07899 921983

North Wales

Emil Prendergast

North Wales

Tel: 07867 511003

Email: edt.emil@gmail.com

Web: www.emilprendergastequinedentistry.co.uk

North Wales

Lee Shakeshaft

North Wales

Tel: 07961 060922

Email: leeshakeshaft@hotmail.com

North Wales

North Wales Equine Dental Practice

North Wales

Andy Peffers

Tel: 07793 213448

Web: www.northwalesequinedentalpractice.co.uk

North Wales

Rebecca Hughes

North Wales

Tel: 07968 424856

North Wales